Sunday, June 16, 2013

Preggo food

Matt has been ON it about my special preggo diet restrictions from the moment we took the pregnancy test. He takes this very seriously! He researches all the articles about what you should and should not eat when preggo! He does all the grocery shopping strictly at Whole Foods now. At first I was all like...
Gimme my Dr. Pepper!! Then, I was all like..
And then I realized, he was just doing all this because he cares so much about me and the little pea. I realized he was probably right. I did need to calm down with the cookie dough. After all, I can't complain too much when Matt's waking up early so he can fix me a smoothie for breakfast! He also lets me relax after work while he cooks me delicious healthy dinners. Oh, and for dessert, I usually get a special treat like a fresh baked cookie and a glass of milk in a champagne glass. Yes, this baby is spoiled already!

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