Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Bump Watch: Week 10

Progress Report
Is it just me or do I look HUGE?!

How far along? 10 Weeks- 1/4 of the way there!
Size of baby: a kumquat. I wasn't sure exactly what that was-- apparently it's about the size of a cherry tomato.
Maternity Clothes: No, but elastic waist pants and shorts are my friends. I've found some really cute ones at Zara. I'm not about to let my bump cramp my style. ;)
Stretch Marks? Nope!Started slathering on the Cocoa butter just in case!
Sleep: Pretty good, just going to the bathroom a couple of times a night.
Miss Anything? Sushi and cookie dough. I guess it's just my rebellious side that knows I can't have it.
Movement: Nope!
Food Cravings: Still not sure if I'm having pregnancy cravings or if I am just a food lover. At least now, I have an excuse. Matt has no choice but to make me what I want!! ha!
Gender: All signs point to boy. This is slightly terrifying, but of course exciting.
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Let's just say I am ready for that 2nd trimester. Maybe I will get my energy back and stop feeling so blah!
Wedding Rings On or Off? On!
Mood: Pure bliss. Duh!
Looking Forward To: Putting together the nursery with my mom. We have already started looking for a cool antique dresser to use as a changing table.

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