Leading up to the appointment was of course accompanied with lots of prayer on my part! Doctor visits of any kind are not my favorite. I'm a huge wimp when it comes to needles and blood and I knew both would be involved in this visit.
And as if I needed anything to add to my anxiety, we had a little mishap getting to the doctor's office. A train was at a standstill blocking Matt's parking lot. He could not get out! 20 minutes later, it had not moved so he decided to take Marta to my office. He ran the whole way from the station to my office in the hot sun in his suit and tie. God love him. We didn't have time for our lunch date but made it to our appointment right on time.
When it came time for the needle, I was a brave soul and pointed out my biggest, most bulging vein and covered my eyes in preparation. Before I knew it everything was over and I had barely even felt a thing. Yes, I think I matured 20 years in those 3 minutes of blood drawing. Now I feel I can concur the world! Bring it on needles!!! (except for that big epidural-- we'll cross that bridge when we get there). Matt wanted to be there to hold my hand but they would not let him! Oh well, I survived! ha!
Next, we were sent to the exam room to wait on Dr. Bennett. We waited and waited. Turns out she had a delivery to attend to and could not make it to see us! After an hour, another Dr. finally came in. She told us she was going to find the heartbeat and that sometimes it takes a while to find it so we shouldn't panic! Well, she found it immediately! It was as if baby M was like, "I'm here! I'm waiting! Leh-go people!". What a great sound that always is. The heart rate was 150- which is a normal and healthy rate. According to the old wives tale, a rate above 140 means girl! Up until now, all signs have pointed to boy! Hmmm...
By the time we left the office it was 3:30. Needless to say baby and I were freakin hungry! Jimmy John's was the closest restaurant. That was the best Jimmy John's sandwich I have ever had.
In just 6 weeks we have our anatomy ultrasound where we will find out the gender! I can not wait to see what you are little Finley/Cohen/Nora/Evelyn/whatever the heck your name will be!
In other news! We found out the gender of your future BFF! It's a girl! Check out Melissa's cute gender reveal party here.
Our bumps also made an appearance at our dear friend Kathy's beautiful wedding this past weekend! Baby M is already costing me $$$ in alterations! The first of many dollars I'm sure! That's ok baby, keep on growing!
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