Monday, July 29, 2013

Bump Watch: Week 11

Progress Report

How far along? 11 Weeks!!! Aaahh!
Size of baby: a brussle sprout (cute.)
Maternity Clothes: No, but already wearing little elastic thingies on all my pants since they won't button comfortably! ha!
Stretch Marks? Nope!Started slathering on the Cocoa butter just in case!
Sleep: Waking up a lot now, getting harder to sleep, but yet I'm so tired!
Miss Anything? Cheese dip at Tin Lizzy's (it's apparently a pregnancy no no so I only allowed myself a few bites)
Movement: Nope!
Food Cravings:chicken fingers (I know- so bad! I only gave in once though!)
Gender: We're so confident it's a boy! It will be a huge laugh if it's a girl.
Labor Signs: None
Symptoms: Feeling much better lately! I can actually stand up to get ready in the mornings without feeling like I'm about to pass out so that's good.
Wedding Rings On or Off? On!
Mood: Stressed. So many rules! So much to learn! Scary doctor appointments coming up! Trying to stay positive and focus on the blessing!
Looking Forward To: the 2nd trimester which is supposed to be easy peasy! 

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