I had way too much fun planning Finn's first birthday! I decided on an airplane theme so I could use a lot of the decor from his nursery. It was very fitting since that first year truly "flew" by.
We invited all our family and closest friends and we were so honored that everyone traveled over to watch Fin-man turn one!
I spent days decorating including turning his high chair into a little airplane! We served pretzels and peanuts (of course!) along with cake, Matt's homemade kettle corn, and airplane cookies. Party favors were mini aviator sunglasses for all the kiddos. We had "in-flight entertainment" which was a slideshow Matt put together of Finn's first year highlights.
Finn really enjoyed his cake. He was a little overwhelmed with all the attention at first so we really had to coax him into his high chair airplane. Once he tasted a little bite of cake, though, he dug right in! All in all it was a great day!
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